Monday, May 4, 2015

One Last Post

Well, here we are. Mighty Girl is all finished, and about to debut tomorrow. Right when all is said and done I am being made have decided to reflect on my thoughts throughout the development of the movie.

Good thing I crammed early, because I actually had a lot of leftover time. The movie was going steady, progress was always smooth, I knew just when to settle on the story (although I wish I had gotten certain aspects of feedback earlier so I could have actually went back and put it into the movie), knew my limits and encountered very little hurdles on the way. The development process was precise and perfect, and amen to me for that, give myself a huge pat on the back, etc etc. Not sure how precise the "entire shot with everything in it" method is going to work next year, and I'll likely need to manage what I will be assigning to interns as well as seek help from others for more experimental aspects of my next film, but that's not for this blog.

Some things that could have went differently? I shouldn't have promoted the film so early, since the story has changed drastically since then (Master Mom is no longer evil and forcing the consumption of broccoli but rather a kind loving mother), so that will be improved next time by not promoting anything at all until the story is settled.

Now for my last words regarding Mighty Girl: This was one hell of an experience. Despite having come up with the idea two years ago, and running into some personal bumps along the way, I feel as if it's a miracle to see something that was only a concept for a very long time being fully completed. It's almost unreal. The help I got along the way, from professors and friends, I'm very thankful for, as this film wouldn't be anywhere near close as the Mighty fine piece it is today without for them. In addition, watching the films of my junior and senior films develop and grow motivated me to work harder on Mighty Girl as well, and I cannot wait to see the films the others have made tomorrow. This movie means a lot to me after being in my head so long, so I really hope everyone enjoys it, as I know I will have fond memories of this one for years to come!

As for you animation students and professors, I'll see you next year with our senior film ideas! I'm looking forward to working with you all then!

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